On Popular Demand – RE-RUN OF 2020 VIRTUAL EVENTS

SAC routinely hosts world class cultural programs in multiple US cities that serve as great fund raisers and help raise awareness about the various projects undertaken by VHPA. After three years of spectacularly successful stage shows SAC adapted to the restrictions of the pandemic and hosted free virtual concerts for our supporters.
Programs ranged from comedy shows, instrumentals, musicals, and to dance dramas.
On popular demand, SAC had to re-run all the shows in 2021 as well!
JAN 9 - 8:30PM EDT
JAN 16 - 8:30PM EDT
JAN 30 - 8:30PM EDT
Bhava Rasa Tala
सुर और साज का संगम
Grammy nominated tabla and percussion maestro Pt. Subhen Chatterjee and Bandish Fusion
Show Completed
FEB 6 - 8:30PM EDT
By The Youth – For The Youth
A variety of Music and Dance by talented teens across America
Show Completed
जीवन के रंग – हंसी के संग Hasya Kavi Sammelan
JAN 9 8:30PM EST – Re-run Completed. Thank You!
Gajendra Solanki: Well known stage performing Hindi poet from last 25+ years. He has done more than 2500 Kavi Sammelans across the Bharat and abroad including recitation and anchoring. Visited 17 countries (more than 45 foreign visits) as a poet (USA 16 times). Besides being a top rated Kavi, Gajendraji is also a Fine Artist, Commercial Designer, All-rounder Cricketer and Social Activist
Dr. Sarita Sharma: She is not only an acclaimed hindi poetess but also the signature of an era. Hindi Kavi Sammelans are dignified with her presence for the last three decades. She has recited her emotions eleven times from Lalquila Kavi Sammelan. She has been honored by WHO and other NGOs for her dedication towards revolution against female foeticide.
Dr. Sunil Jogi: He is a poet of comic verses (Hasya Kavi) and president of Hindustan Academy. He has written more than 75 books and is the president of MAA foundation, a non-profit organization, promoting sustainable education in the rural areas. Sunilji has received Padma Shri award in 2015 from Government of India.
Dr. Praveen Shukla: He is famous for his versatility and magnificent performance. He holds a special place in the heart of his audience for his ingenious performance as a comic poet. He has performed across the world and received applause from all corners of the world. Praveenji has received countless awards for his meritorious service.
अतिथि देवो भव Atithi Devo Bhava
Musical Dance Drama by Sapphire Creations
JAN 16 8:30PM EST – Re-run Completed. Thank You!
Sapphire Creations is Eastern India’s only experimental dance company striving to develop an organic, radical, dynamic, and alternative idiom of movement. Sapphire has been performing with a new idiom for the last 28 years across the world. Some countries visited are Malaysia, Spain, Israel, Czech Republic, UK, Singapore, Australia, Austria, Germany, Thailand, Italy, Bangladesh, Canada, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Poland, USA and India.
This dance drama piece अतिथि देवो भव starts with the chanting of the verse mentioned in the Taittiriya Upanishad along with the dramatic welcome sequence framed as a ritualistic ceremony. Then it takes audience to a journey through the enriching culture of Bharat. A collage of dances, music, percussions, instruments, visuals, costumes from East, West, South, and North of India would be presented. The piece would end with the spirit of the country coming alive as the Mother Goddess, Mother India welcoming all to her fold.
BHAva-RAsa-Tala (Sound of the Nation)
सुर और साज का संगम
JAN 30 8:30PM EST – Re-run Completed. Thank You!
BANDISH FUSION is an experience of soul-stirring effect of sheer melodic beauty fused with incredible rhythms taking one to a whole new level of musical raptures. This band kicked off its journey way back in 1985 being one of the very first bands of its kind in India and is now surely regarded as one of the longest existing front ranking bands of the country.
In this show you will enjoy a fusion music with an unprecedented blending of genres combined with complex rhythms in unusual time signatures with a thoughtful blend of improvisational concept that was rooted in jazz as well as Indian music and harmonic influence from European classical music.
By The Youth For The Youth – A Variety Show
by Talented Teens across America
FEB 6 8:30PM EST – Re-run Completed. Thank You!
Support A Child Youth Council will be hosting a virtual fundraiser. There will be a variety of music and dance by talented teenagers from across America.